Common Indoor Air Pollutants
But pollen isn’t the only pollutant that can make its way into your home. There are numerous other contaminants that can cause health problems if left unchecked. Below are some of the most common contaminants that could be in your home:
It's not uncommon for pollen to make its way into your home during Spring, but did you know that there are many other indoor air pollutants that can cause serious health issues? Fortunately, by changing your air filter regularly, using an air purification system, and making sure your HVAC system is up-to-date and well-maintained, you can cut down on instances of these common indoor air pollutants.
Our dogs and cats may be cute, but the dander they can leave behind certainly isn't. This dander can cause allergic reactions for many people, including difficulty breathing, coughing, hives, and even anaphylaxis.
A number of common household products, like carpeting, cabinets, plywood, paint, and insulation, can release VOCs when they are installed and for up to 5 years afterward.
Not only can smoking tobacco in your house damage your furniture, clothes, and paint, it can also damage the lungs of anyone who is exposed to it. You should never smoke tobacco inside.
Gas-fueled furnaces, along with water heaters and stoves, can produce both of these gasses. Because they are odorless and colorless, carbon monoxide/dioxide are especially dangerous and can result in death if not detected in time.
Pockets of moisture and/or increased indoor humidity creates the perfect environment for mold, mildew, and fungi to grow, all of which can cause breathing problems and other health issues. Make sure your home is well-ventilated and your HVAC system is functioning properly to help lower indoor humidity and remove excess moisture.
If you're in need of an HVAC repair or replacement, get in touch with Odyssey at: 910-392-6400.